Friday, June 12, 2009

Our Hope

I've seen some hard times in my life, I've known poverty and sickness, I've faced evil in many forms, I've seen too much, known too much and gone too far. I've walked the ways of sinner and the ways of a saint. I've wept at the passing of loved ones and rejoiced at the birth of babies. I've seen faithfulness and integrity lived before me and I've watched the mighty fall. I've seen faith in action and hope spread by the righteous, I've seen hipocrisy in the worst of ways. I've known sorrow and lonliness, and felt the dark tendrils of depression wrap around me and try to take the very life from me. I have not however seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread. I've never seen God turn his back on one of his children, I've never known him to refuse to help and comfort his people, he's always there for us wether we recognize him or feel him, he's there. He's an ever present help in a time of trouble a solid rock on which to stand. He's the comforter, the healer, Compassionate father, prince of peace, He's life, he's breath , he's joy, he's love, in him is hope and in him all things consist. I thank him for all of this because without him I am nothing, I have nothing I can do nothing, he is my all in all.

1 comment:

  1. oooh, I like this one...I needed this...I am so depressed...feelin like nothing in my life is gonna come together....feeling like I am at my breaking point..feeling like I have to be satisfied with the devil's work...I just need prayer...
    Love you and miss you all...
