Thursday, April 30, 2009

Praise God for the cup!!

Hello friends, I hope you are having a truly wonderful day!! Am I ? Well it depends on wether you have a "cup half empty", or "cup half full" mentality. Me I'm an optimist, my cup is always half full, no, its more than half full its running over!! A dear sister of mine used to say Thank God for the cup!! I love that. Its good to always remember that we are truly blessed!! No matter what comes our way no matter what we go through God is with us, he cares for us , he loves us and nothing else matters. This world is not our home, this life is but a handbreadth, all is nearly said and done, its what we've done for JESUS that matters, and what he's done for us that will make all the difference. So are you having a truly wonderful day? I am! The cup is half full my friend! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Charity,
    Enjoy your blog! We enjoyed the End of the year program last night!! Have a blessed Sunday!
