Friday, April 17, 2009

A reason to laugh

Okay I am so sick of all the sadness and depression around me and in me so I am going to give you a reason to laugh. I wrote this poem years ago (obviously because it mentions my three children) but I found it and thought you like me would enjoy it.


To far to long I've fussed and complained about my shape and how much I weigh,
My hips are to big, my belly's to fat, I didn't know arms could jiggle like that,

But today as I do the things that need done, 
God spoke to my heart to show me my wrong,

See, I am a wife a mother of three and God designed me purposefully,
My belly is soft like a pillow they say if it was gone then where would they lay

my hips seem wide but useful you see, they make the baby a comfortable seat,
a place for the basket of laundry to go, an extra hand to help shut the door

those arms I thought were so terribly huge, 
will hold piles of toys and clothes and shoes

when the work is all done and the day is passed, 
and I get to sit and rest at last

They'll pile in my lap, I'll sing them to sleep
I'll pray to God their sweet souls to keep

And in their own way I'll hear them say
Mommy we don't care how much you weigh!!

Hope you got a good laugh, we all need it!

1 comment:

  1. I love this Charity!!! I feel the same way and my kids always say I am like a pillow.
    Love ya!
