Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Faithful are the Wounds of a Friend

Hello everyone! Guess what I see? Sunshine!! I was real pretty yesterday, so I spent the whole day outside in the sun. Monday I had a tooth pulled. It wasn't so bad except my mouth has been sore ever since, especially yesterday. But I'm thankful it will be better by the end of the week and I won't have to worry about it any more. It kind of makes me think about when the LORD prunes us, his branches. He comes at us with his pruning shears, and it looks pretty scary, then he cuts out some of the branches that are  stunting our growth, and that really hurts because usually the're our most beloved ones. Then the healing processes begins and we're hurt and sore, sometimes it takes a while to heal. But what we really need to understand is we will be better than we were before, that the pruning was for our own good. The Lord loves us, He wants whats best for us. Sometimes his best hurts, but I heard it said this way, faithful are the wounds of a friend, He is my best friend, I love him and trust him, and if he sees fit to wound me I know its for my best.

1 comment:

  1. UGH!!! I need to heal before more pruning... LOL...this is a good one!!! Love you and miss you...
