Friday, June 12, 2009

Our Hope

I've seen some hard times in my life, I've known poverty and sickness, I've faced evil in many forms, I've seen too much, known too much and gone too far. I've walked the ways of sinner and the ways of a saint. I've wept at the passing of loved ones and rejoiced at the birth of babies. I've seen faithfulness and integrity lived before me and I've watched the mighty fall. I've seen faith in action and hope spread by the righteous, I've seen hipocrisy in the worst of ways. I've known sorrow and lonliness, and felt the dark tendrils of depression wrap around me and try to take the very life from me. I have not however seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread. I've never seen God turn his back on one of his children, I've never known him to refuse to help and comfort his people, he's always there for us wether we recognize him or feel him, he's there. He's an ever present help in a time of trouble a solid rock on which to stand. He's the comforter, the healer, Compassionate father, prince of peace, He's life, he's breath , he's joy, he's love, in him is hope and in him all things consist. I thank him for all of this because without him I am nothing, I have nothing I can do nothing, he is my all in all.

Monday, June 8, 2009


I Love summer! I know technically its still spring but it feels like sumer and schol"s out(YAY). I've been doing lots of gardening and yardwork, trying hard to soak up some rays. We're hoping to go camping soon and spent time in the great outdoors. Well the baby's crying so I'll have to post again soon!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Need.. Rest..

Why I wonder is it that when you're the most tired you have the most to do? And when you want quiet the most its the loudest, and when you are longing to lay down and sleep everyone is determined to keep you awake?? If anyone knows the answer to this riddle of life, better yet if anyone knows the remedy please tell me, I have got to get some rest!! Seriously, we've been working hard trying to get some land cleared for more gardening, which I love by the way. Not the land clearing, but gardening. I'm covered in poision ivy. I hate poision ivy, it eats me alive. But its good to work hard and get strong, atmittedly I'm not as strong as I used to be, 7 pregnancies took a lot of my strength, but Lord willing it will return, and mabye , hopefull I'll get a good nights rest. Night all sleep well.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Too Fast!!

My little baby turns 5 months old today. She's eating solid food, rolling over, grabbing things, teething and laughing out loud. She's a busy girl, and she's growing too fast! My other little baby turns 5 years old tomorrow, she sings by herself in church, spells her own name and helps take care of her baby sister. She's growing way too fast. My biggest baby turns thirteen this fall. I can't even think about it, because I'm not ready. Where did the years go? How did they slip unnoticed through my fingers? Why can't time slow down just a little so I can enjoy them more? It all just continues to happen too fast!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Blogger gone AWOL

Okay, I know its been a while since I've posted, but we have been very busy. This is the last night of revival and although I'm looking forward to having nowhere to go tomorrow I'm going to miss going. Its been good though, and I feel revived. Mostly I feel like our family has been restored and revived as a whole. Its not been what we expected or hoped for , but its been exactly what we need. I'm grateful for all those who came out to support us, its meant more than I can ever say. But mostly I'm grateful to the Lord for doing a work in me!! Any way I'll try to to better and keep up my blog. And hopefully you'll keep reading!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Well this week is a big one for us. My husband is having his first independant revival!! I'm excited about what God's going to do! But am I ready for revival? Well to be honest I need one. So many things have happened recently and I'm sad to say that I'm a little hardened. I know its a funny choice of words but I'll try to explain. I'm not hurt, because nothing said or done was towards me, I'm not discouraged because I'm excited about new doors being opened. I've got my wall up, and my defences are ready, not against people but against powers and principalities. I know that sounds good but I tend to get cold and hard like a turtle's shell therefore I'm safe, except that i'm not as responsive to God's spirit because he speaks loudest to soft prepared hearts. Sounds complicated I know but there's a balance and I need to find it. Prayer is the key I know, but I'm a martha and tent to put my faith in action, so I'm going to paint a sign. Pray for me that I'll find my balance and be sensitive to God's spirit and to those around me that need him. And I'll try to pray more and do less! Pray also for the Lord to really move in this revival, its long over-due! 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Faithful are the Wounds of a Friend

Hello everyone! Guess what I see? Sunshine!! I was real pretty yesterday, so I spent the whole day outside in the sun. Monday I had a tooth pulled. It wasn't so bad except my mouth has been sore ever since, especially yesterday. But I'm thankful it will be better by the end of the week and I won't have to worry about it any more. It kind of makes me think about when the LORD prunes us, his branches. He comes at us with his pruning shears, and it looks pretty scary, then he cuts out some of the branches that are  stunting our growth, and that really hurts because usually the're our most beloved ones. Then the healing processes begins and we're hurt and sore, sometimes it takes a while to heal. But what we really need to understand is we will be better than we were before, that the pruning was for our own good. The Lord loves us, He wants whats best for us. Sometimes his best hurts, but I heard it said this way, faithful are the wounds of a friend, He is my best friend, I love him and trust him, and if he sees fit to wound me I know its for my best.