Friday, March 27, 2009

God's Will

Hi Guys, Sorry its been so long. I like all of us have had lots going on. Lots of good things. Lots of not so good things. Church on Wed was wonderful, amazing! I kept hearing that voice in my head "don't go, you can stay home, you don't feel well" I almost listened but thank God I didn't. I wonder though how many times I miss God's blessings, God's best because I did what I wanted to do, the easy thing, the comfortable thing. I guess we're all guilty. I have an object of prayer that will concern most of my "followers", My husband was supposed to speak about doing something on wed night , but the Lord didn't lead that way. He was going to bring before the church his burden to start a food ministry to help feed the hungry in the community surrounding the church. Not a soup kitchen but a giveaway, boxes filled with food from the second Harvest food bank. We used to be involved in one at our old church, I've seen God use that ministry to bless the church, save the lost, feed hungry children and elderly. What could be closer to the heart of Christ? Nothing. Please pray that we can make this a reality, we'll need help, support from the people in the church, so I'm asking those of you that read this to be praying for Tommy and the leadership of the church that God's will will be done, and be praying about what God would have you to do. I love you guys and am blessed to have such a wonderful group of sisters God bless and Good night!!

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