Thursday, March 5, 2009

A writers forum

Hello again, Well this is my second blog ever, and I still don't know what to say. I mean really who in the whole world wants to hear my thoughts? I just got finished setting everything up and I have this ugly picture of me the( best I could find)posted. We'll fix that asap.Well let me start by telling you why I decided to start a blog. It was not because I'm bored and it was definately not because I have lots of spare time on my hands, but because I love to write. Thats it,( Besides my best friend literally sat me down at my computer and signed me up).But really I love to write. I write songs and poems, Also I've started writing a book. There's so many things I've wanted to say but my husband works and preaches and is gone a lot, plus my kids don't listen because they already know everything, so now I have an audience, well as soon as someone reads this that is. I think that would be the most depressing thing to write and write and no one reads. I hope someone out there in blogland will read this and come away helped or inspired, mabye not today, but mabye someday. Well I have no profound thoughts or great words of wisdom the world needs to hear but we'll see what God will do in the days ahead. Goodnight and God Bless!! Charity


  1. was easy to get started...just write...write what you feel, let us hear those poems or thoughts running thru that head of yours...I know you can write beautiful,cause I have gotten some wonderfully scripted emails from you...LOL Can't wait for more...:)

  2. hey this is morgan :) go read my blog! its ruff and unpolished but we don't have to be perfect isn't that what christ is for. So leave it ruff and unclean we love it and you lust the way you are so don't ever try to change that!
