Thursday, March 5, 2009

What am I Doing?

Hello Bloggers, for all you in the blog world THIS IS CRAZY!! I've never done anything of this sort and would not be doing so now except for some very influential friends that said I would LOVE it. So here it goes. My name is Charity, I am a very private person, I don't usually speak my thoughts let alone write them for all the wide world to see. However I am all for stepping out of my comfort zone and trying new things. This is new. Very new. Pray for me. I am sitting here wringing my hands trying to figure out what to say. About me, I am 28 years old, married, mother of nine, yes nine. I have seven natural children and 2 foster children. I love being a mom, every crazy hair pulling moment. I also homeschool. No I'm not crazy and I'm not superwoman.I'm a christian trying to do that which the LORD would have me to do. Pray for me.well its bible study time I'll be back later!

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