Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A mother's contract

Okay, so I'm a bad blogger, I'm stealing some very usable time to write this. But why should I feel guilty? My children are playing outside, the older ones have done their schoolwork and are supposedly working on their chores, so what if my room's a mess and the bathroom needs to be scrubbed and the windows need washing and the floor needs to be mopped and the fridge needs cleaning out and oh yeah whats for supper? We have a friend staying with us so no sandwich nights. Whew, I'm tired already. Its no wonder I'm a caffeine addict. I wouldn't get all that done anyway, I'm reading a really good book by Francine Rivers, all her books are really good books. I shouldn't get them, its like an addiction I just can't put them down. Nothing gets done until after four o'clock when my husband's due home any minute and I realize that I've done nothing except have a really relaxing and peaceful day! So why do I feel guilty? You know why, because I'm a mom and we're not allowed to have any fun or do anything just for ourselves, really its in the contract on the fine print on the birth certificate. You didn't see it ? You will when one of your children catches you drinking a cup of hot herbal tea and painting your toenails at 2 am the'll wake up with a nightmare or throwing up or my personal favorite wet the bed. No mommy you can't have any time to yourself. Not that I mind really, just because the baby cries every time I sat down to enjoy a meal doesn't mean that when it is quiet and I am alone that in some strange twisted way I miss them. I smile knowing my time with them is short, one day I really will be alone wishing for intruded thoughts and interrupeted meals and yes messes to clean. So why do I feel guilty? Because every second I waste I lose, and I can't have it back. Yes, its in the fine print.


  1. Awww charity your sooo sweet and such a good mom!!! Everyone deserves some "ME" time on occasion!!

  2. what Francine Rivers book are you reading??? I have read several of her books...my absolute favorite in the whole wide world is
    Redeeming Love...BEST BOOK EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. oh...one more thing...my mom was the mother who kept everything spotless...I can still eat off her floors to this day...she has no hobbies...except cooking a large meal...she always had food on the table waiting on my dad when he walked thru the door...with his drink being poured as he pulled in the driveway, so it wouldn't be watered down...now...i can remember all that,but there is only a very few times that I can remember Mom taking time for herself or for us kids...no, I didn't have a bad childhood and I am not damaged..but wierd how you remember things about your own childhood...I say, kids and family are more important...give them memories!!!!
