Thursday, March 19, 2009

Savor The Moments

I know its getting late and I should be going to bed, but its so peaceful and so quiet I just can't let go of the moment. Its one of those rare moments when I'm the only one awake and I'm not exhausted from the long day. (Coffee is a wonder, I couldn't function without it.) These are the moments you learn to savor, when all is well, no major storms or trials, happy healthy families. Because we all know life is likely to throw a curve ball. Life is unpredictable at best and tommorrow could bring rain or shine, storm or peace, God alone knows. He knows so I don't worry knowing I'm safe in His hands whatever life may bring. I savor the moments of peace and rest knowing they're precious few and all to quickly gone. So if you have a minute thank the LORD for your life whatever may be going on and savor where you are because it's subject to change.

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