Friday, June 12, 2009

Our Hope

I've seen some hard times in my life, I've known poverty and sickness, I've faced evil in many forms, I've seen too much, known too much and gone too far. I've walked the ways of sinner and the ways of a saint. I've wept at the passing of loved ones and rejoiced at the birth of babies. I've seen faithfulness and integrity lived before me and I've watched the mighty fall. I've seen faith in action and hope spread by the righteous, I've seen hipocrisy in the worst of ways. I've known sorrow and lonliness, and felt the dark tendrils of depression wrap around me and try to take the very life from me. I have not however seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread. I've never seen God turn his back on one of his children, I've never known him to refuse to help and comfort his people, he's always there for us wether we recognize him or feel him, he's there. He's an ever present help in a time of trouble a solid rock on which to stand. He's the comforter, the healer, Compassionate father, prince of peace, He's life, he's breath , he's joy, he's love, in him is hope and in him all things consist. I thank him for all of this because without him I am nothing, I have nothing I can do nothing, he is my all in all.

Monday, June 8, 2009


I Love summer! I know technically its still spring but it feels like sumer and schol"s out(YAY). I've been doing lots of gardening and yardwork, trying hard to soak up some rays. We're hoping to go camping soon and spent time in the great outdoors. Well the baby's crying so I'll have to post again soon!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Need.. Rest..

Why I wonder is it that when you're the most tired you have the most to do? And when you want quiet the most its the loudest, and when you are longing to lay down and sleep everyone is determined to keep you awake?? If anyone knows the answer to this riddle of life, better yet if anyone knows the remedy please tell me, I have got to get some rest!! Seriously, we've been working hard trying to get some land cleared for more gardening, which I love by the way. Not the land clearing, but gardening. I'm covered in poision ivy. I hate poision ivy, it eats me alive. But its good to work hard and get strong, atmittedly I'm not as strong as I used to be, 7 pregnancies took a lot of my strength, but Lord willing it will return, and mabye , hopefull I'll get a good nights rest. Night all sleep well.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Too Fast!!

My little baby turns 5 months old today. She's eating solid food, rolling over, grabbing things, teething and laughing out loud. She's a busy girl, and she's growing too fast! My other little baby turns 5 years old tomorrow, she sings by herself in church, spells her own name and helps take care of her baby sister. She's growing way too fast. My biggest baby turns thirteen this fall. I can't even think about it, because I'm not ready. Where did the years go? How did they slip unnoticed through my fingers? Why can't time slow down just a little so I can enjoy them more? It all just continues to happen too fast!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Blogger gone AWOL

Okay, I know its been a while since I've posted, but we have been very busy. This is the last night of revival and although I'm looking forward to having nowhere to go tomorrow I'm going to miss going. Its been good though, and I feel revived. Mostly I feel like our family has been restored and revived as a whole. Its not been what we expected or hoped for , but its been exactly what we need. I'm grateful for all those who came out to support us, its meant more than I can ever say. But mostly I'm grateful to the Lord for doing a work in me!! Any way I'll try to to better and keep up my blog. And hopefully you'll keep reading!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Well this week is a big one for us. My husband is having his first independant revival!! I'm excited about what God's going to do! But am I ready for revival? Well to be honest I need one. So many things have happened recently and I'm sad to say that I'm a little hardened. I know its a funny choice of words but I'll try to explain. I'm not hurt, because nothing said or done was towards me, I'm not discouraged because I'm excited about new doors being opened. I've got my wall up, and my defences are ready, not against people but against powers and principalities. I know that sounds good but I tend to get cold and hard like a turtle's shell therefore I'm safe, except that i'm not as responsive to God's spirit because he speaks loudest to soft prepared hearts. Sounds complicated I know but there's a balance and I need to find it. Prayer is the key I know, but I'm a martha and tent to put my faith in action, so I'm going to paint a sign. Pray for me that I'll find my balance and be sensitive to God's spirit and to those around me that need him. And I'll try to pray more and do less! Pray also for the Lord to really move in this revival, its long over-due! 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Faithful are the Wounds of a Friend

Hello everyone! Guess what I see? Sunshine!! I was real pretty yesterday, so I spent the whole day outside in the sun. Monday I had a tooth pulled. It wasn't so bad except my mouth has been sore ever since, especially yesterday. But I'm thankful it will be better by the end of the week and I won't have to worry about it any more. It kind of makes me think about when the LORD prunes us, his branches. He comes at us with his pruning shears, and it looks pretty scary, then he cuts out some of the branches that are  stunting our growth, and that really hurts because usually the're our most beloved ones. Then the healing processes begins and we're hurt and sore, sometimes it takes a while to heal. But what we really need to understand is we will be better than we were before, that the pruning was for our own good. The Lord loves us, He wants whats best for us. Sometimes his best hurts, but I heard it said this way, faithful are the wounds of a friend, He is my best friend, I love him and trust him, and if he sees fit to wound me I know its for my best.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

To all you moms!

Hello all you mothers! Hope you've had an awesome day, you derseve it!! You may not see it now but you are blessed, sometimes "they" drive us crazy but children truly are a blessing from the LORD!! I should know, my quiver is full, really there are seven arrows is a quiver, cool huh. Well anyway some days it seems like all I can relate to is the part where the drive me crazy, like right now, the baby's crying, My six year old is running full speed around the house, my mother's day gift got broke(yes already) And I really liked it. The worst is the arguing back and forth about the silliest things "uh huh we did too eat french fries last year at camp" who cares right!! Well they truly are a blessing and one day if they grow and flourish they'll be gone and I'll miss them, their messes, their screaming, their dirty diapers( mabye not) and all!! So to all you mom's who are going cukoo on a daily basis repeat after me "children are a blessing from the LORD" and for all those who's children have flown the coop precious memories are sweet!! Love ya all!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Praise God for the cup!!

Hello friends, I hope you are having a truly wonderful day!! Am I ? Well it depends on wether you have a "cup half empty", or "cup half full" mentality. Me I'm an optimist, my cup is always half full, no, its more than half full its running over!! A dear sister of mine used to say Thank God for the cup!! I love that. Its good to always remember that we are truly blessed!! No matter what comes our way no matter what we go through God is with us, he cares for us , he loves us and nothing else matters. This world is not our home, this life is but a handbreadth, all is nearly said and done, its what we've done for JESUS that matters, and what he's done for us that will make all the difference. So are you having a truly wonderful day? I am! The cup is half full my friend! 

Friday, April 24, 2009

Too Many Kids!

Its late and I should be in bed, but I'm enjoying the quiet too much. I had a funny thought today. I had to go to the dentist which I was glad about because I have two teeth that need to be pulled and several cavities. I havent been to the dentist in 20 years!! (It makes me feel old to say that.) Any way I only got some x-rays and an exam today, no big deal. But my thought was you know you have too many kids when you enjoy and are actually looking forward to a trip to the dentist!! Yes I know.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Word from the LORD

Hello everyone! I just wanted to take a few minutes and thank the LORD for all his many blessings. Why do it on my blog? Well I just want to testify a little. God has been so good to me and my family. Even through all our troubles and trials he's always there, always leading me. He's never left me, he's never forsaken me, he's never turned his back on me, but he's always been there to comfort me and forgive me. I heard yesterday that many many churches are facing hard times, people leaving, others causing problems, pastors getting discouraged etc. etc. I knew it was bad, but I didn't realize it was so bad, everywhere. The Devil is on a rampage because his time is short. The LORD gave me a word, He said that satan is trying to divide our house and render us ineffective, because a house divided cannot stand. Wake -up to satan's lies and tricks, he wants us feuding , and fighting so he can steal and destroy. Thank You JESUS for these words of truth. Thank you for showing us. Mostly thank you LORD for being my rock and my fortress!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

A reason to laugh

Okay I am so sick of all the sadness and depression around me and in me so I am going to give you a reason to laugh. I wrote this poem years ago (obviously because it mentions my three children) but I found it and thought you like me would enjoy it.


To far to long I've fussed and complained about my shape and how much I weigh,
My hips are to big, my belly's to fat, I didn't know arms could jiggle like that,

But today as I do the things that need done, 
God spoke to my heart to show me my wrong,

See, I am a wife a mother of three and God designed me purposefully,
My belly is soft like a pillow they say if it was gone then where would they lay

my hips seem wide but useful you see, they make the baby a comfortable seat,
a place for the basket of laundry to go, an extra hand to help shut the door

those arms I thought were so terribly huge, 
will hold piles of toys and clothes and shoes

when the work is all done and the day is passed, 
and I get to sit and rest at last

They'll pile in my lap, I'll sing them to sleep
I'll pray to God their sweet souls to keep

And in their own way I'll hear them say
Mommy we don't care how much you weigh!!

Hope you got a good laugh, we all need it!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Life is to short!!!!

Have you ever been on youtube and checked out some of the "end times" videos? Well the other night me, my husband and his friend were looking for something and quite by accident began to view a rather chilling warning about the end times. We all know the Lord's coming back and that things will get worse before they get better, my husband preaches it at least twice a week. But are we really ready? Prepared to face martydom if it comes down to it ? Are we really ready for the Lord to come back? I can only speak for me, I am ready, but I am also pretty comfortable with things the way they are. I enjoy my home and family, I appreciate the relative peace and safety I am able to live in. So truly I say life is to short. If the Lord's coming back, and he is, then we may not have much time left. There's not enough time for arguing, and complaining, there's not enough time to be selfish and ungrateful, contentious and spiteful. We need to look at things the way they truly are , Life is to short not to live life to its fullest, not to savor each day and enjoy every moment.  

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Seeking God's Will

How do we discern the will of the LORD? What magic prayer can we pray or what spiritual buttons can we push? Why doesn't the LORD just come down and sit with us to say this is my will or that is my will? I wish I knew. In the midst of turmoil strife and most definately change how do we know which way to go? What road do we travel now, which way do we turn now down Life's uncertian roads?  Help us Lord to discern your will. What do we do then if we've missed it the will of the LORD what if what we thought was God's will was not after all. What is God's will now in my life today? It remains to be seen, it is yet waiting to be revealed. Pray for me and my family that the LORD will speak clearly and we would know whicjh way to go. Meanwhile I will pray for you my friends who are hurting and sad, who are struggling and need just as I God's direction and blessing. I love you all, my sisters my friends, bless you all . 

Friday, March 27, 2009

God's Will

Hi Guys, Sorry its been so long. I like all of us have had lots going on. Lots of good things. Lots of not so good things. Church on Wed was wonderful, amazing! I kept hearing that voice in my head "don't go, you can stay home, you don't feel well" I almost listened but thank God I didn't. I wonder though how many times I miss God's blessings, God's best because I did what I wanted to do, the easy thing, the comfortable thing. I guess we're all guilty. I have an object of prayer that will concern most of my "followers", My husband was supposed to speak about doing something on wed night , but the Lord didn't lead that way. He was going to bring before the church his burden to start a food ministry to help feed the hungry in the community surrounding the church. Not a soup kitchen but a giveaway, boxes filled with food from the second Harvest food bank. We used to be involved in one at our old church, I've seen God use that ministry to bless the church, save the lost, feed hungry children and elderly. What could be closer to the heart of Christ? Nothing. Please pray that we can make this a reality, we'll need help, support from the people in the church, so I'm asking those of you that read this to be praying for Tommy and the leadership of the church that God's will will be done, and be praying about what God would have you to do. I love you guys and am blessed to have such a wonderful group of sisters God bless and Good night!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Savor The Moments

I know its getting late and I should be going to bed, but its so peaceful and so quiet I just can't let go of the moment. Its one of those rare moments when I'm the only one awake and I'm not exhausted from the long day. (Coffee is a wonder, I couldn't function without it.) These are the moments you learn to savor, when all is well, no major storms or trials, happy healthy families. Because we all know life is likely to throw a curve ball. Life is unpredictable at best and tommorrow could bring rain or shine, storm or peace, God alone knows. He knows so I don't worry knowing I'm safe in His hands whatever life may bring. I savor the moments of peace and rest knowing they're precious few and all to quickly gone. So if you have a minute thank the LORD for your life whatever may be going on and savor where you are because it's subject to change.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Most important

I was just sitting and thinking about whats really important in life. Is it how much money we make or how clean our house is? What about how smart our kids are or how good of shape our body is in? Family is important I know, Kids, very important, and friends. But whats most important? Of course if you know me then you know the answer. The most important is Jesus. So, if He's really the most important then why do we spend the least time with him? I spend all day cleaning, teaching, cooking, reading, talking to friends and so little time with the one that matters the most. What are we doing for him? Really? Not including church attendance? Not much I'm afraid. Is He really most important? Does He know? Can he tell by our lives? I pray to do better and be closer because He really is the only thing that matters.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Fever

Where is spring anyway? OK, I know its only March and technically its still winter but I'm so cold! The sun was shining today and I was sure it would be warm but no. I don't mean to complain but I'm from the deep south for those of you who don't know I was born in Hattiesburg, Mississippi and I spent most of my childhood in Panama City, Fla. I spent my summers on the beach and winters well I can't remember it ever being real cold. It only snowed one time in all my years living there and then it was only three inches, everyone freaked out and put Chains on their tires. When I moved up here I was so excited to see all the snow!! But not so much about the cold, and I still dont like it. Give me the sunshine and flowers and freshly mowed lawns. I've got it bad, spring fever. Mabye tomorrow will be warmer, mabye it'll stay warmer. Wishful thinking I know, but hey a girl's gotta dream.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A mother's contract

Okay, so I'm a bad blogger, I'm stealing some very usable time to write this. But why should I feel guilty? My children are playing outside, the older ones have done their schoolwork and are supposedly working on their chores, so what if my room's a mess and the bathroom needs to be scrubbed and the windows need washing and the floor needs to be mopped and the fridge needs cleaning out and oh yeah whats for supper? We have a friend staying with us so no sandwich nights. Whew, I'm tired already. Its no wonder I'm a caffeine addict. I wouldn't get all that done anyway, I'm reading a really good book by Francine Rivers, all her books are really good books. I shouldn't get them, its like an addiction I just can't put them down. Nothing gets done until after four o'clock when my husband's due home any minute and I realize that I've done nothing except have a really relaxing and peaceful day! So why do I feel guilty? You know why, because I'm a mom and we're not allowed to have any fun or do anything just for ourselves, really its in the contract on the fine print on the birth certificate. You didn't see it ? You will when one of your children catches you drinking a cup of hot herbal tea and painting your toenails at 2 am the'll wake up with a nightmare or throwing up or my personal favorite wet the bed. No mommy you can't have any time to yourself. Not that I mind really, just because the baby cries every time I sat down to enjoy a meal doesn't mean that when it is quiet and I am alone that in some strange twisted way I miss them. I smile knowing my time with them is short, one day I really will be alone wishing for intruded thoughts and interrupeted meals and yes messes to clean. So why do I feel guilty? Because every second I waste I lose, and I can't have it back. Yes, its in the fine print.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A writers forum

Hello again, Well this is my second blog ever, and I still don't know what to say. I mean really who in the whole world wants to hear my thoughts? I just got finished setting everything up and I have this ugly picture of me the( best I could find)posted. We'll fix that asap.Well let me start by telling you why I decided to start a blog. It was not because I'm bored and it was definately not because I have lots of spare time on my hands, but because I love to write. Thats it,( Besides my best friend literally sat me down at my computer and signed me up).But really I love to write. I write songs and poems, Also I've started writing a book. There's so many things I've wanted to say but my husband works and preaches and is gone a lot, plus my kids don't listen because they already know everything, so now I have an audience, well as soon as someone reads this that is. I think that would be the most depressing thing to write and write and no one reads. I hope someone out there in blogland will read this and come away helped or inspired, mabye not today, but mabye someday. Well I have no profound thoughts or great words of wisdom the world needs to hear but we'll see what God will do in the days ahead. Goodnight and God Bless!! Charity

What am I Doing?

Hello Bloggers, for all you in the blog world THIS IS CRAZY!! I've never done anything of this sort and would not be doing so now except for some very influential friends that said I would LOVE it. So here it goes. My name is Charity, I am a very private person, I don't usually speak my thoughts let alone write them for all the wide world to see. However I am all for stepping out of my comfort zone and trying new things. This is new. Very new. Pray for me. I am sitting here wringing my hands trying to figure out what to say. About me, I am 28 years old, married, mother of nine, yes nine. I have seven natural children and 2 foster children. I love being a mom, every crazy hair pulling moment. I also homeschool. No I'm not crazy and I'm not superwoman.I'm a christian trying to do that which the LORD would have me to do. Pray for me.well its bible study time I'll be back later!